Xanthi lies at the foot of Mount Rodopi ( 219 km from Thessaloniki ) and preserves many of its old traditional houses, as well as its castle on the top of the hills which shelter the town from the north winds.
It Is the capital of the Prefecture of Rhodope and an Important center of production and trade of tobacco. 25 km away are the ruins of Abdera, the birthplace not only of Democritus ( Greek philosopher ), father of atomic science, but also of Protagoras the Sophist, Nikaenetos the poet, Anaxarchos the philosopher, and Hecateos the historian, among other famous men. At the site of the ancient city have been found remains of the walls and a big building with some 26 rooms.
The town of Komotini is situated at a distance of 57 km from Xanthi. It Is built almost in the middle of a fertile plain, close to the famous Via Egnatia of ancient times, at the foot of Mount Rhodope. It has, among other things, Interesting museums ( Archaeological, Folk Art, and Byzantine ecclesiastic ). Komotini is a lively commercial center and Porto Lago ( 34 km. southwest ) is its sea outlet.
Porto Lago is situated on a narrow strip of land between the Gulf of Vlstoni and the Vistonl Lagoon. Its area is famous for the water-fowl, fish, and eels.