
Cicvara, a specific type of porridge, once used to be a very popular dish and it is often mentioned as a particular delicacy. It is still made today on special occasions. It is usually prepared with barley, com, or wheat flour. It is prepared by melting a chunk of lard or butter in a pan,…

Palic and Palic Lake

Palic is located in northern Vojvodina. It is 8km from Subotica and about 25 km from the border with neighboring Hungary. It is surrounded by national parks and four lakes: Palic, Youth, Ludos, Peat. The greatest attention of local and foreign tourists is attracted to events that are dedicated to fostering the tradition of folk…

Eastern Serbia Photos FREE

FREE Photos You can use on Your Personal and commercial sites or projects. All Pictures below were photographed by Stanisa Josic and FREE of copyright restrictions. I offer these photos free to download under Creative Commons Zero. No attribution or backlinks are required, but any form of spreading the word is always appreciated. Please feel…